Orchestrate customer engagement across retail assets...

Orchestrate customer engagement across retail assets...

Integrate Physical Commerce with Digital Commerce and Reimagine your Customer Journey

Let the AI take the
guesswork out of your
customer behaviour

World’s first
True Hyperlocal platform

Enhanced Customer Engagement…Intrinsic Shopper Insights……Personalized Interactions

Orchestrate customer engagement across retail assets…

Integrate Physical Commerce with Digital Commerce and Reimagine your Customer Journey

Let the AI take the guesswork out of your customer behaviour

World’s first True Hyperlocal platform


Are You Ready to honor your Customers’ Need for Personalization, Gamification and Gratification?

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Rappo can deliver offers and communications directly to customers based on their Profile both online and offline.

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Phygital Commerce

Our revolutionary integration of your Physical Commerce with your Digital Commerce will enable a constantly blossoming customer data sets

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Seamless integration, lightweight on-boarding and quick integrations lets you engage with your customers phygitally quickly.

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The Rappo Canvas

Rappo is a first of its kind platform that can rejuvenate the customer engagement across their spend zone be it the Hyperlocal or the Shopping mall or the Concessionaire at the Airport. The creamy layer being that it switches seamlessly between the Physical and Digital medium of their spend zone.

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As a Mall owner, do you know your different spend of your customer?

Do you have a working strategy that can constantly increase your Non-GLA revenue, Trade density and Foot fall?

Rappo can engage and pamper  individually your shoppers as per their LSM (Life Style Measure). Brick & Mortar retail is there to stay. Seamlessly extend to the digital space. Serve and pamper your customer on our phygital platform in the midst of the digital giant battle. Each of your stores be an entity online with their own store inventory catalogued seamlessly thereby increasing their business beyond the perimeter of the mall. Use our Wayfinder and guide your customer right from their cars all their way to their preferred stores, food outlet or a movie hall.

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Why be left behind by Airlines when it comes to pampering your travelers

Recognize your frequent travelers and pamper them just the way the airlines do. Know your travelers preference and open all of your concessionaires for shopping digitally even beyond their terminal instead of limiting them to their aisle they walk through. Deliver them at their departure gate or ship it to their desires destination. Be it a review of your restroom or smoking lounge all done at Rappo for your benefits.

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Rappo, is the world’s first AI driven Customer Engagement and Phygital Commerce Platform for the Brick & Mortar.

Our Customer Engagement Platform contribute to your revenue growth by reducing acquisition costs.

Our AI Engine will help you Maximize Partner Engagement with Localization of your Hyperlocal area. Rappo’s in-house AI engine and digital outreach helps you convert sales faster with prescriptive be-spoke campaigns and personalized gamification. Customer Engagement programs increases customer retention and maximize their topline contribution through repeat sales and higher Average Basket Value.

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See how your customer data reveals a whole new script for you at Rappo.

Integrate your Physical Commerce with your Digital Commerce and see how your customer customer data sets across reveals a whole new script for you at Rappo. F&B business can Plug and play the aggregators strategy all by yourself all for yourself.

Our Phygital engine will provide a delightful experience for both the customers and retailer alike. It will connect consumer’s online and offline experience ensuring that they can switch between them with ease. This builds the “Brand Value” invisibly thereby increasing sales. F&B stores can stand to serve customers direct with  full menu listed with no commissions on the invoice value . Direct Payment, Pre-paid Delivery  and you get to know your customer direct. Rappo does it all.

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